January 13, 2010
If you look around the ScentBase site today, you may notice some changes! I hope enjoy the new features. Let me know what you think, if you encounter any problems, etc.
View Choice for Scents
You now have the choice to view scent descriptions in a full-page layout, rather than strictly in a smaller pop-up window. Click the small "Quick Look" icon to use the pop-up view. Click the full title of the scent to view the scent description in the full-page layout — PLUS comments (see below)!
You can now add comments to blog entries and scents. Scent comments differ from the notes you can add when you add a scent to you Base. These comments are public (which allows those users who prefer to keep their profiles private an opportunity to interact with the rest of our users), and are displayed with the scent, rather than on your profile.
Comments can be left by logging into your account, or by connecting with your Facebook, Google, Twitter, Yahoo, AIM or OpenID account.
You can now connect with your friends on ScentBase. Search for your friends by email address, real name or username. Add friends to My Friends and see what they've been up to lately.
I've also added Google Friend Connect, in addition to Facebook and Twitter. Just another way you can connect with ScentBase and get updates.
I hope these changes make ScentBase a better site to use. Let me know what you think!