Top Quark

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ZOMG Smells Color and Flavor: Six Quarks General Catalog Perfume Oil (Available)

Holly and Ariel's conversation on the 7th of the month this was released, shortly after midnight, went a little like this:

Holly: Oh no!
Holly: there is no desc for Top Quark!
Ariel: what
Holly: It is not on the site!
Ariel: Did it vanish? D:
Ariel: Or did you not make one?
Holly: I thought I did!
Holly: But now I think that I did not.
Ariel: Hm. You want to or shall I?
Holly: I had a celebratory wine. I am probably not the best option.
Ariel: lulz.
Ariel: Ok, but I'm gonna use all caps
Holly: I would type "BUTTS. BUTT QUARK" like a million times.
Holly: It IS the heaviest though. No ****.
Ariel: I'm just cutting and pasting this conversation. XD

It's true, ZOMG friends. We swap off who does which descriptions, and Ariel would like to tell you with glee — rather appropriately toppy glee — that this is precisely how it went down.

Holly is right! The top quark is the most MASSIVE of all observed elementary particles. (There's your all-caps, baby. Did you like it?) Our beloved Higgs Boson may be just as massive, but we don't know that for sure yet because it hasn't been observed.

I am feeling in top form tonight, I tell you. Let me finish with the notes of our Top Quark: it's a delicious thing made of strong flavors. Dark green vetiver, a hint of leather and well-polished teakwood, with a sticky hint of sweet cola for that caffeine jolt to the senses keeping you on top of your game.
(this item is a 5ml bottle, and Ariel's mom dresses her funny. :) )


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