ZOMG Smells Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
We're so transparent. A bird with a name like "orange-rumped honeyguide"...we're kind of helpless when it comes to things like that. They've got the name because the males have orange rumps and they like to nest in massive rock-mounted Himalayan honeycombs.
And what a charming little bird it is, too! It picks out a nice spot for a nest...
....okay, it steals another bird's nest. Sure, whatever. Then it courts a mate and has some eggs...
...which hatch into baby honeyguides, whose beaks are hooked so they can trash the original eggs and chicks in the stolen nest more easily...
...and the entire thieving, murderous family lives happily ever after and munches bees and honeycomb all day and doesn't give a damn about anything. You know what? That actually sounds pretty nice. We came for the name and stayed for the Bonnie & Clyde.
Our orange-rumped scent: buckwheat honey, tangerine flesh and peel, golden amber, and orange blossom.