The tomb was opened at midnite. Within, the young Egyptologist could smell the scent of rich resins and dark spices. These were not the regular resins of a Priest or Priestess, these were much darker and even after thousands of years, these scents were still as alive as the day they were turned to rich aromas.
On the walls both of the Egyptologists brought up their gas lanterns to discern the glyph on the walls. They read aloud:
"Those that enter my tomb, a Witch Alchemist, find that all that ever mattered to you, shall be mine. Your life, your breath, your flesh, your soul. Each a part of my binding. Life, breath, flesh and soul belonging to the Black Frankincense, Black Linen, Black Myrrh and Black Vanilla Embalming Spice. This is the curse of the tomb raider. This is the curse that shall spread upon you through all eternity."
Each of the two Egyptologists looked at each other in dismay. What had ever come of curses anyway?
Below the writing on the walls were four giant canopic jars. Opening one at a time, what was within was not the sentiment of internal organs, but instead, rich resin and perfume filled the tomb.
As the lid to the Black Frankincense was lifted one of the Egyptologists clutched at his chest feeling a loss of breath. From the other Egyptologist the Black Myrrh lid was removed and slowly she began to age. Both fell to the floor and kicked the two remaining jars' lids off Black Linen and Black Vanilla Embalming Spice filling the room as their flesh melted into the ancient dirt of the Witch Alchemist's tomb.
But what of the souls? She has them. Just as she made clear. She will have them through all eternity.
Black Vanilla Embalming Spice: Rich Embalming Spices of Frankincense and Myrrh, Black Egyptian Vanilla Pod, Spice of Nutmeg and Cardamom and a drop of Black Peppercorn.