Sucreabeille House Blends General Catalog Eau de Parfum (Available)
Sleepovers were the best part of childhood: having friends over, staying up late, eating whatever you wanted, and in direct contrast to the name, getting almost no sleep at all. We wanted to reignite that fun feeling, and luckily, several other houses wanted to join in on our slumber party fantasy. This is our contribution: Rainbow Footie Pajamas.
You know that kid who was always either 45 minutes early or 2 hours late to every slumber party? The one who showed up dressed as a unicorn, or a pirate, or a unipirate, to every sleepover even if it wasn’t themed or a costume party? The kid who ate several slices of pizza and cake (often at the same time) and who always had a stash of candy in their overstuffed overnight bag? Who always wore their favorite rainbow footie pajamas no matter the time of year or temperature? Whose sleeping bag matched the pajamas? Who screamed and laughed the loudest at whatever crappy horror movie you watched? Who was the last to fall asleep (if they ever did) because they were just so sugar high they couldn’t physically lie down? Who piled their morning waffles with whipped cream and chocolate sauce so they didn’t fall asleep at the table and went home exhausted and slept the whole next day? Yeah, that was us. If you can relate to being that kid, we think you’ll love Rainbow Footie Pajamas.