Nocturne Alchemy Bastet's Garden Summer Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
It seems the bees are keen to buzz around the Garden as we move closer to summer. The scent of that golden thick honey entices me to want to capture that scent with a touch of vanilla and vanilla musk, to crystallize the honey like amber and relish in its permeation. There is a sultriness to the scent of honey drifting under the warmth of the sun.
To distract the bees I offer a vanilla flower and listen to their happy hum as they nestle the ways of melittophily. To help this along, I've pulled back the white-greenish flower petals exposing the pollen-clustered pollinia for them. While they're happily distracted, I stick my paw in the hive and pull out a great paw-full of golden rich, almost black, honey. The scent is ingratiatingly deep. My feline motor hums alongside the bees that don't seem to mind my 'borrowing' of honey.
After the bees have had their fill, I take a few Vanilla Orchids and Vanilla beans and open their essence and blend into the honey slowly permeating the barrier of both sets of scent. With a light scent of rich purple and blue lavender, I bind the scent into a beautifully focused perfume.
The scent takes over the garden and soon butterfly and dragonfly are joining the buzz attracted to the perfume in the air. A crystal vanilla full of honey and happy buzzes.
"Flowers... are a proud assertion that a ray of beauty outvalues all the utilities of the world."
~Ralph Waldo Emerson
May the summer to come be full of beautiful memories and the omnipresence of this perfume ignite those memories when fall has returned and the cold has taken the warmth and life of the sun and brought a different light into the world. May this scent be a perfume for now and a beautiful memory to return to on inhale after the summer has gone back from whence she came.
A scent that will aromatically bring dark and sweet honey to the perfume of your own skin, enrich the vanilla musk and Egyptian musk, permeate the lavender buds and become more rich tomorrow for a happy bee knows, it can only be happy with the right perfume for the right moment and to know this is to purr, buzz or hum a little happiness into your day.
This perfume will continue to grow richer and richer with aging.
Rich NA Egyptian Black Honey, Egyptian Musk, Vanilla Bean Pod, Blue and Purple Egyptian Lavender, Crystal Vanilla Musk and French Vanilla.