Lilith Nightingale

Lilith Nightingale

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Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) Lilith's Birthday : 2018 Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)

Whenever I’m sick, tired, or just run down, Lilith always tries to help out. She’s always helpful, but when someone is feeling poorly, she’s an absolute angel.

This year, now that she’s a little bit older, she’s taken to cooking a bit here and there. Here, she’s stealing my Evil Dead shirt and making kitchari for me. I was feeling under the weather, and she wanted to take care of me. Oh my GOD, I love this kid.

(She’s taken to wearing protective goggles that Brian gave her every time she cooks.)

A bundle of Ayurvedic spices warmed in cream, with a little bit of dried fig and sweet dates.


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