Wall Candy

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ZOMG Smells Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)

The Romans boiled grape juice in lead vessels and called it sapa, using it as a condiment; they also used it to preserve fruit. Both of these things were a bad idea, because lead is poisonous and it will cheerfully poison you too. This "candy" scent got added to the Halloween lineup because we're history dorks, enjoy reading about poison, and started talking about the regrettably-not-so-distant days when people still used lead paint and it was a child safety hazard because of its sweetness.

Yes, there really is a thing called "sugar of lead." Yes, people used to consume it on purpose. But you know better. Find some other way to sweeten your wine, paint your house and preserve your fruit.

A warm, friendly, subtly poisonous and subtly grape sweetness underlying 80s-era strawberry bubblegum stuck to a lead-paint wall.


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