The Trials of St. Urho

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St. Urho, well before some other Johnny-Come-Lately saint with an unaddressed issue with snakes, drove the grasshoppers from Finland! It is to the credit of this most excellent saint that the grape crop, that year long ago and every year since, has flourished and fermented just as it should. No Finnish grape need fear a nibbly doom, and this is our hymn to this most excellent saint and his most excellent works.

St. Urho's feast day is March 16 (just before the day of ANOTHER saint's day you MIGHT be familiar with, because St. Urho got up early to get the job done), and is traditionally celebrated with the wearing of royal purple and grass green and cheers of the same invocation the saint himself used:

"Heinäsirkka, heinäsirkka, mene täältä hiiteen!" ("Grasshopper, grasshopper, go to Hell!")

We sing the praises of this good man and his deeds on his feast day, but we celebrate his trials all year, 'cause they did take a while. Our paean: the scent of a grape orchard in dawn's first chilly light. Ripe and fine Muscat grapes, woody vines with slow, bitter sap, and the cool wet air of a morning on which great things will be done.


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