One of our customers made a request for the scent of a loved one's jet fuel-scented work clothes mixed with the sugar cookies she likes to bake, and we could not possibly refuse.
A little bit of background: the SR-71, a super high-altitude reconnaissance aircraft commonly called the Blackbird, is in our humble opinion one of the most delicious pieces of military hardware ever built. Go and have a look. It also holds the speed record for ANY manned terrestrial aircraft, at 2193.2 mph. The space shuttle on re-entry is the only manned craft clocked faster, and that so doesn't count.
There are no SR-71s flying today, but they're just so chock-full of charisma that we had to draft one into service for us anyway. And then we loaded it up with some cookies and told it to get moving. <3!
A sweet and subtle pastry base, topped with vanilla sugar and a dollop of Jet A. (no actual avgas involved, we promise.)