Perseus Bunts One

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ZOMG Smells Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)

The Perseids metor shower are named for Perseus, whose constellation the shooting stars appear to come from. (they don't. They come from the tail of the comet Swift-Tuttle. But that's another smell.) And we dig Perseus! Shoving Bellerophon off Pegasus and going for a ride, wasting monsters, kinging it up in Mycenae...good times! And we're all about Grand Theft Pegasus.

For some reason it also tickles us to think of beheading gorgons as a league sport. With uniforms. And in this fantasy league, Perseus is our Mickey Mantle.

Our Gorgon-Smiting League's favorite cologne: red cedarwood, dandelions, fir-pitch, and a hop. Not hops — just the one hop. :)


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