Orange Peel Nudibranch

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ZOMG Smells Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)

The orange peel nudibranch in our photo is a little one, more of a sea satsuma really. They get big. Big enough (roughly a foot long) to wear as a hat. If you can manage this without harming the animal we respectfully request photos.

Its charismatic safety orange is exactly that, a safety mechanism. Lots of nudibranchs like the adorable shaggy mouse show cryptid (camouflage) coloration, but the orange peel is proudly aposematic. LOOKIT THIS, it seems to say. YOU WANT SOME? NO YOU DON'T. We appreciate a good swagger, especially from a creature whose primary defense is tasting awful when you chew it. Divers also report that they smell of sandalwood when touched. Naturally we were enchanted. <3

Our take: tangerine and satsuma pith, sea salt, orangeflower water, sandalwood and two ambers.


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