ZOMG Smells Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
We have the brothers Montgolfier to thank for hot air pleasure-ballooning today: theirs was the first manned balloon flight! While their fellow Frenchman de Rozier took the sealed hydrogen envelope path, the Montgolfiers' hot air design does not require a closed envelope at all, because the air near the bottom of the balloon is similar in pressure to the air on the outside, and does not try to escape. We like to think there was a charming, affectionate rivalry between de Rozier and the Montgolfiers as to whose design was, in fact, superior. As it turns out, both designs are useful for different things: the Montgolfier design is still used for pleasure ballooning, and de Rozier's sealed hydrogen design for long-distance ballooning.
Balloon greasemonkey, lavender fields, red wine for courage, and the sharp and heady scent of sky.