Dr. Zomg's Gracious Nerve Cordial

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ZOMG Smells Dr. Zomg's Cure-Alls General Catalog Perfume Oil (Available)

This recipe was liberated from a pleasant modern lemon-lime soda that's lost track of its antique soothing roots. The original soothing roots were not roots as such, pardon the pun — they were a low dose of lithium citrate, which increases serotonin in the body and decreases the amount of the stress hormone norepinephrine. Not that its specific effects were understood at the time of the original concoction, but a happy accident is a happy accident, no?

Our own concoction is de-lithiated, just like the real thing. But the ingredients chosen to complement lithium's tang are still there. Lime peel, fine Meyer lemon, sweet fennel root and two vanillas.


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