Deep-Fried Whatever

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ZOMG Smells Nostalgia Bomb Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)

Food is always one of the scents on the breeze at the fair, and not just any food. Deep-fried food of dubious origin and great gustatory delight; the kind of food you never got to have under more health-conscious circumstances. When the only food groups that matter are fried and candy, what is a fair-goer to do?
Dear reader, I say to you there is still one thing to do: fried candy.
This scent embodies all the wicked deliciousness you ate as a child and regretted later: honeybuns, funnel cake, elephants' ears, fritters, buttery crunchy STICKS WITH SUGAR ON THEM.
Deep-fried pastry, honeybuns, three kinds of sugar, buttery vanilla, and a little musk to help it stick.


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