Chocolate-Covered Squid

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ZOMG Smells Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)

Ariel brought presents back from her trip to Hawaii! Huzzah! Everyone was happy to see her again and she brought macadamia nuts and everything was great.

Until the chocolate-covered squid came out.

"Here," Ariel said, all innocent-like. "I got these for you! Try one!"

And so Holly, ever the trooper and definitely far too agreeable about putting unfamiliar objects into her mouth, picked out one of the little clumps of ika with one end dunked in chocolate.

"I dunno," Holly said.

"They're great!" beamed Ariel, because she'd promised Facebook that Holly would eat one.

And so Holly did, and slowly — like the dawn over a field which during the night had sprouted unfathomable new beings — the flavor of mild, cocoa-buttery milk chocolate combined with salty, chewy, meaty, fishy squid jerky.

It was...amazing. More a phenomenon than a flavor. Holly had never experienced anything like it

This is the closest that Holly and Ariel could come to duplicating the real, actual, chocolate-covered squid experience of sea brine, chocolate, and sadness (thanks for the perfect description, Mary!).

(The next day, Holly said Ariel had to eat one. Being a good sport, Ariel did. Judging by Ariel's expression, she thought it was... amazing... too.)


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