Isolde's Wish

Isolde's Wish

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Wylde Ivy Perfume Fall and Winter Collection Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)

The Story:
It was never easy for her. She never had power over her love that grew for Tristan. She belonged to the king. She new her place, yet some strange force took a hold of her heart along the way and it was no longer hers to control. She lived for her secret moments with Tristan. It was as if her heart only beat for him, yet it broke every time they met.

She watched the flowers sway slightly by the waters edge, their reflection danced in the water. Tristan wanted to leave with her. He was expecting an answer. He should have been waiting here already. A weight grew in her chest as she began to wonder if he would come. Panic broke through the weight when she began to question if she'd ever see him again at all. She felt her chest tighten at the thought, her eyes burned. Could she even survive without her Tristan? As she questioned this, a movement caught her eye and Tristan's form stepped into the clearing. One look from him and she knew she would never survive without him, yet she still didn't have an answer.

The Scent:
Isolde's scent is the lingering warmth of Tristan on her skin, his love which gives her hope and destroys, white flowers, moonlight, and love.
Notes of: dewy jasmine, cedar wood, sandalwood, faded rose petals, almond flowers, vanilla, saffron and musk.

Tristan and Isolde:
Romeo and Juliet's tragic love story is the most famous of all time and who could forget about the tales of King Aurthur, Lancelot and Guinevere? Before Romeo died for his Juliet, before Lancelot deceived his King, Tristan loved Isolde. Tristan and Isolde's 12th century tale of love and tragedy has been told and retold in countless forms from poetry to operas and in many different versions. I am particularity fond of the version that has Tristan and Isolde mistakenly and unknowingly drinking a love potion and falling desperately in love while he is taking her to marry his uncle and adopted father. It is a terrible love triangle. They all care about each other, Tristan to his uncle who loves him as a son, Isolde to her husband (Tristan's uncle) because he is such a good man, and of coarse the unstoppable love between Tristan and Isolde that destroys them all.


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