Woobie Archangels Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
(Fire of God) AKA Israfel, Johoel, Jeremiel, Nuriel, Paruel, Phanuel, Prince of Light, Regent of the Sun, Suriel, Urjan, Uryan, Vretil. Patron Angel of : Judges, lawmakers, peacemakers, prophets, seekers of truth, upholders of justice, visionaries. Uriel is a serious "all business" angel. His focus is on truth and justice and sorts those who are unruly. Promotes: Positive aggression, balance, bravery, fairness, nobility, passion for a cause, repentance, rectitude. Contradicts: Arrogance, contempt, demoralization, envy, greed, hate, inadequacy, shame, subjugation, weakness. Numeral: 9, element: fire, Planet: Mars, Colors:Gold, orange, red, yellow, Metal: Bronze, iron, gold, Chakras:Root, solar plexus, third eye. Scent: Fiery, pungent, spicy. Cinnamon bark, neroli, sweet woods, dry resins, egyptian sandalwood.