VApothecary Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
Engine that turns the cogs siphoned with the Victorian Age and fine tuned ladies and gentlemen dressed partly of science and mechanics with the scent of persuasion and dapper. Wheels that bind the carols, pieces of smaller things that make a larger whole.
"The SP, the mechanism of a steam age. Why just the letters? I am a great fiend of the old typewriter and it struck me one day to deduce the keys would be the name of this and future perfume oils that I would want to wear.
SHE is based on the book SHE by H. Rider Haggard. The story of a man that searches his ancestry back to the Ancient Egyptians and finds a journey to an immortal land, where the White Queen sees him (Leo), as the reincarnation of her once mortal love. The story plays on various themes but ultimately it is about time and how we deal with it and how loosely we forget that given the immense amount of time we have, we see it profanely as not enough. Given the 'fountain of youth' concept, H. Rider Haggard finds causes not to walk through the flame of life with the want to walk through it and be one with time. This is a book Emerson introduced me to and once read, I had to create a perfume based on the immortality of the White Queen Ayesha, or She-Who-Must-Be-Obeyed. With thanks to Jacek and Emerson for input and my test subjects.
A little about me. My name is Seth Kincaid, I am the other half of VApothecary and while I do more of the mathematical elements of perfume, I too am a perfumist. I studied in France for a year before the chemistry of such studies bored me and began to suppress the artist in me. Sure, I could have worked another two years at the compounds and fixtures of science but scent to me cannot be so controlled that it loses the natural sense of smell. Sometimes it should just be what it is and a dash of imagination.
I grew up in Eastern Europe and as a boy I always had a fondness to the exotic flowers my Mother would pick on the hill outside our family home. She would sit and discuss the flowers with me from her many books and we would enjoy the intricacies of the veins, the colours and the scents they sometimes exuded. She told me once, "Seth, not all flowers have scent, at least not all that we can smell," and I interrupted her with a 'why', "because we all have our purpose as does a flower and those that drink from its nectar," and I remember exclaiming, "Like butterflies and bees!"
"Yes, like butterflies, bees, birds and many tiny insects. Everything in its own way is a mechanism for something else."
This is where my interpretation of steampunk became a part of my being. I would see cogs in everything and much like Emerson sees shapes in everything that create art for him, I see things that shape other things in their simplistic being in order to make itself something even bigger in the world.
This is the SHE mechanic for both male and female, when applied on the skin, may the perfume resonate a beautiful period from our past, a part of our present and become part of our perfumes we reach for in the future.
Egyptian Mimosa Flower, Vanilla Orchid, Soft Arabian Oud, Egyptian aged Amber, White Mandarin Essence, Crimson Egyptian Musk, N4 Musk shaken gently with whole nutmeg and aged for two months.
This will become deeper with age and resonate in both hot and cold climate.