Sucreabeille Gourmand Fall Collection General Catalog Perfume Oil (Available)
Papa's Waffles — Picture it: Saturday morning, your childhood. Your dad and his impressive beard have gotten up early even though he was up late with friends, drinking and partying. He's acquiesced to your demands for waffles, which he lovingly makes from scratch in the kitchen while drinking a strong pot of coffee. The whole house smells of baked goodness, coffee, maple, and butter. Bliss. That's exactly what Papa's Waffles smells like. It's a delectable, nostalgic scent that'll immediately transport you back to those happy, scrumptious times. Get it for your dad to thank him for putting up with your 6 AM waffle requests, or get it for yourself to relive those memories now. Or get it because your father didn't do those things for you and you're bitter but want to smell delicious anyway. Whatever works for you; just don't miss this scent! Of course, if waffles weren't your dad's thing, we also have bacon and bourbon scented goodies, so snag a couple of those so your dad doesn't think you forgot him this year. (You totally didn't forget. Not at all.)