The latest House in our Frozen Embers limited edition collection is here: the Lannisters! The family we all love to hate, who aren't afraid to raise the dead or screw (over) a relative or two to get what they want, and who always make sure their debts are paid, the Lannisters are ruthless, relentless, and unpredictable, and we love them for it.
Cersei: Cersei is a complex, complicated, badass, maybe slightly psychopathic woman whom we all love to hate (or just love). She is, without a doubt, a standalone woman who gives absolutely no fucks about what anyone else thinks of her or her actions, and that's why we have to respect her no matter what. She's in the game to win at any and all costs, and she is extremely tough and unyielding, aka, our kind of woman. Her namesake scent, therefore, is herbaceous and spicy, floral and deep, with a helluva lot of power behind it, and unlike any scent you've smelled before. Maybe you don't want to *be* as much of a heartless wretch as Cersei, but I mean, if you could *smell* like that? Men would instantly know that you are not to be fucked with, at all, ever, and women would treat you with reverence. Damn, it feels good to be, or at least smell like, Cersei.