Salmonberry Origins Scent memories General Catalog Perfume Oil (Available)
Our memories are often tied to scents, like the twine wrapped around a package. For me scent has always painted mental pictures. I would often search for products that reminded me of the place that I love, here in the arctic wild. Finding few to none, I created some Scent Memories of my own. Please join me and explore the arctic via scent!
The Aroma: "Avu" is the Inupiaq Eskimo name of my favorite tundra flower. After spring has arrived and the snow has retreated the business of Growing begins in a frenzy. In the arctic the growth period is very short as the warm summer months are very brie, so the vibrant blooms all vie for attention in a colorful scent loaded symphony of floral notes. The wind gathers up the scents and dances them across the tundra.....
If you enjoy wild floral notes then you might enjoy Avu. This scent is a floral feminine scent.