What cat is this who must have been the one to knock over the bowl of fruits as I was making a fruitcake, and roar through the dessert tray on the way to sit next to the fire and warm his fur? Very sweet, very fine, with nothing good for you in all of it! There is also a light touch of perfume here to keep it wearable. Walter is fresh, somewhat rosy but at the same time quite sugary. It's a pretty candy-like interpretation and has a good shot of fresh pomegranate in it. Fresh, though, not concentrated but just opened pomegranate. Foody/gourmand, fruity. Kitty.
This is an OAR (Ohio Alleycat Resource) benefit fragrance. A generous portion of all sales from the OAR Collection goes to the Ohio Alleycat Resource to continue their good work with feral cats, and finding homes for stray kitties.