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Possets OAR : Yuletide Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)

Veronica is one of the longest term residents of OAR. She reminds me of Winston, my dear kitty, and is one of the few close friends of Penelope. They are all "shirtfront tabbies" and the kind which is frequently found in Cincinnati: brown tabby stripes and sparkling white shirtfronts with a little mustache. Very attractive cats and I don't know why they have not found their forever homes but...I composed the sweetest and most beautiful candy for them. This is more of a song than a perfume. It's like the most wonderful cross between pudding and sugar ever, the kind of thing which you savour as you take every bite and make sure that you taste and smell it all. Cream, sugar, and toasted sugar, a light light float of whiskey like a light tangy note to keep it from going too too sugary and to keep it fresh in your mouth. Luscious and mouth watering, a tremendous foody with no apology at all. Did I mention that Shirtfront Tabbies are usually a bit portly? They are hedonists.


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