In this case the sum of the parts is greater than the whole and it becomes a green/sandalwood-like scent but yet it is not sandalwood but a lovely melange of a dark amber, citrus peel and a vanilla-like addition which is quite toothsome by itself. Somehow they did all get together and become and very straightforward and lovely blend, just like its namesake, Susie the beautiful shirtfront tabby. Green, dry.
(Susie is adorable and very friendly. She likes to greet people coming into OAR and she has no teeth! She will nibble you, though. It's so cute you can't stand it.)
This is an OAR (Ohio Alleycat Resource) benefit fragrance. A generous portion of all sales from the OAR Collection goes to the Ohio Alleycat Resource to continue their good work with feral cats, and finding homes for stray kitties.