Melchior is one of the three variations on frankincense and myrrh. A smoke-like blend of the beautiful frankincense and myrrh, golden amber, the smell of precious woods of the vessels they all came in and the tang of metal. Very primitive and quite sophisticated at the same time. Resinous, dry, spicy.
Melchior, is the King of Arabia and I have always thought of him as being the one who had myrrh to give as a gift. The image is the Melchior creche figure I have had all of my life and I put it out every year. Long ago I decided to repaint the figures. I painted Melchior's robe purple and very carefully painted the urn in his hand the best gold paint we had at the time. I will always remember the smoky and pine-like scent of my home at Yuletide and that influenced my choices here with Melchior the perfume.