Marzipan and punch! Mark the kitty got a bit too curious and somehow slid off the table and carried the punch bowl with him! Actually it ended up smelling pretty good, make that real good with bits of apricot squeezed together with the lemons which once crowned the creation, champagne, some crushed Jordan almonds and big assortment of marzipan fruits. I think you will be glad that the punch bowl was actually overturned after all. The whole is greater than the sum of the parts. (This is NOT AT ALL like Hawaiian Punch....not not not). Foody, fruity, citrus, gourmand. Kitty.
This is an OAR (Ohio Alleycat Resource) benefit fragrance. A generous portion of all sales from the OAR Collection goes to the Ohio Alleycat Resource to continue their good work with feral cats, and finding homes for stray kitties.