One of my favorite femmes fatales, Jael was REALLY a deadly lady. Back in Biblical times, a famous general named Sisera had been beaten badly by the forces of Barack (yes, this is where Barack Obama's first name came from) who was being advised by the Judge Deborah. Sisera was literally running for his life. All of his forces were dead of scattered and there was a swarm of angry enemies after him. He finally got to a Bedouin tent city and he ran into a tent owned by Jael and her husband. I am sure she was surprised to see this panting strung-out man in super expensive armor standing in the middle of her tent, asking for refuge. It isn't made at all clear what her motives were but she allows him to sit down, even brings him a big lot of fresh milk to drink, encourages him to lie down and covers him up. It's not long before he is fast asleep, thinking himself the luckiest man alive.
Then, without prior warning, Jael grabs a tent peg (a very long, very sharp stick which was used by the Bedouin to secure their tents where they were pitched) and a hammer, puts the sharp end of the peg on Sisera's temple and kills him by driving the stake through his head.
Wow. Now THAT is a femme fatale.
Here is a potion which is VERY capable of enticing anyone. Cream, cardamom, clove, pear, lemon, and Balm of Gilead. I am trying to make up a perfume which had the smell of the inside of Jael's tent. Something hypnotic and comforting; foody, spicy.