Possets The Scent of Night (Halloween 2015) Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
Deepest pumpkin, brightest suave French lavender, and a thrill of cardamom, light skin musk to hold it all together and keep it going for hours. The sweet and the suave aromatic. This perfume is bound to be a real crowdpleaser.
Seductive and dangerous, Asmodeous was a demon who killed SEVEN of the bridegrooms of the lovely Sara in the olden days of the Bible. She was put under great suspicion, even thought to have strangled the men herself which it was the dreadful devil Asmodeous hiding under her bed to leap out with murderous intent. The Bible does not say if this was from jealousy and possessiveness or just plain old blood lust. Asmodeous was vanquished by the brave and favored Tobias who wed and kept the Sara and they lived happily ever after and Asmodeous fled to Egypt and stayed there. And, Tobias and Sara were fabulously happy together for ever.
For some reason, Goya produced one of the scariest paintings of all time and named it Asmodeous, the image seems to have nothing to do with the demon but plenty to do with terror. I suspect that it is a picture of two huddled miserable scared people painted on top of a surreal bellicose landscape (one having nothing to do with the other) but it works and is one of the most mysterious of all Goya's paintings none the less.