Nocturne Alchemy Anniversary Forum Exclusive Perfume Oil (Limited)
Nocturne Alchemy, officially created in 2006 as the beginning of the House of NA, 4 years
of blending and evolving scents inspired by all things Egypt. We are proud to
release a very special perfume in a very special bottle limited in quantity to 23 individually
numbered and printed labels. Made from exquisite ingredients from around the
world we present the beautiful trinity of Vanilla, Amber and Kyphi all three born here in
San Francisco in our lab from the most beautiful oils in this world and hand blended
to create: Sacred Trinity. 15ml of pure perfume oil made from 92 ingredients composed
to create the Sacred Kyphi accord, the Sacred Vanilla accord and the Sacred Amber
Silver metallic label on individual Cobalt bottles to dispense into the collector bottle or
whatever your heart desires (pipette included). Bastet uses this blend by putting
a drop or two into a warmed candle wax pool just under the wick to invoke sacred scents
into the air but by all means, use this after a warm bath or warm shower to inhale upon
the pure nature of its sacred scent directly on your pulse points. The very essence of this
perfume was created to influence harmony, peacefullness with ourselves and to
thank you all for four beautiful years working on perfumes for you at Nocturne Alchemy.
We thank you and hope this perfume and its beautiful bottle show you how much we care
about your Love and support of NA and all things Egypt.
Anniversary Bottle: Gold metal screw cap and gem on top with gold metal application wand
inside. Gold metal shoulders and base in a beautifully shaped frosted glass bottle. Sacred
Trinity will ship in a 15ml cobalt blue perfume apothecary bottle with silver label as we did
not want to put a label on the beautiful bottle and will also include a pipette dropper to move
into your Anniversary gold bottle or into your favourite bottle of choice. We prefer to ship this
way to enjoy the bottle and to take part in the NAlchemy of scent. Enhance your Sacred Trinity
with a Nokturne or wear it for its essence simply on the skin. Thank you all for being part of
these past four years and we look forward to what is to come.