Nocturne Alchemy Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
For this June 13th Full Moon update, we wanted to create two separate types of Moon perfumes based on the eloquent and magical full moon and either alone or together, can create more than one perfume. The music from Kiran Murti 'Magical India' was part of the inspiration of this perfume as well as the cd 'Echoes of Egypt' by Diane & David Arkenstone.
Crow Moon alone. Raven Moon alone. Crow Moon & Raven Moon layered. NAVAlchemy.
We have four crows that visit us at our home. We tend to attract birds; whether they are Hummingbirds, Geese, Ducks, or even crows.
What began as a visit from one crow — we aptly named Carpenter (after the film Director), soon followed with his friend that we named Cameron (another Director). Carpenter is bigger than Cameron in size (and film size). They typically come by in the mid-morning and if either Bastet or myself are home, we go outside and either put the bread out for them on the balcony banister or toss it down to the small garden below. This has been going on for a few months, well...now two have become four.
The new guys are much smaller and we have named them Dior (after the designer) and Diablo (after the 'Maleficent' Raven, though not a Crow, an apt name nonetheless). Diablo attempts to pick up as many pieces of bread as he can before the others get theirs. Little devil.
The photo above (below the label) is indeed Cameron, Carpenter, Dior and Diablo waiting to get fed on our roof. Click the photo above to enlarge then back to return to this page.
These guys come very close to us as we drink tea or enjoy an afternoon in the shade. While the Hummingbirds (Emerald, Ruby, Crimson and Garnet) do not like them coming so close to their nectar, these Crows have shown us how wise and intelligent they are and beautifully satin black in colour. These guys are more than just birds, just as the company of Hummingbird bring a positive energy to our balcony, their presence has brought singing in caws and odd glottal noises and whether they are here for the bread or our company, they are amazing and graceful creatures and we are glad to call them family. They arrive in the morning and stay with us throughout the evening, often times balancing on an end of a branch from the tree outside our bedroom. They even hang out when we're not feeding them, perhaps just being in each others company, is friendship enough.
This is our ode to the Crow, under full moon may they bring the ethereal to the reality of things; may they sing their caws as daylight bursts from under a full moon nite and may only beautiful harmony come from the wearer for which this perfume was built.
Created by Emerson and Bastet of NA and Seth Kincaid of VA.
Vanilla Incense, Crystal Musk, Egyptian Musk Incense, Incense Smoke, French Vanilla Dust, Moonstone Incense, Bastet's Incense, Black Fig and soft Blue Amber Incense.
Created under days before the June 13th, 2014 full moon. The last of the Friday 13th/Full Moons until October 13, 2049.
This perfume is limited to 43 bottles, when it is sold out, there will be no more. Worn alone or layered with Raven Moon.