Nocturne Alchemy Forum Exclusive Perfume Oil (Limited)
When I was working on the new Bastet's Somnolent Summer Limited Edition, I began to experiment with the Incense perfume I created in the lab. I wrote notes in the evening, while sitting on the train, during dinner at times and could not wait to take those notes back to the lab and work on something just for the forum. At first I came up with a collection based on the Nokturnes and blending this incense perfume using the slow alchemistic method of hand pouring for hours. Then I realized one day, this doesn't just have to be for Nokturnes and future blends will arise from this in a whole new perspective. I am very excited about this new line of Bastet titled Incense perfumes exclusively for the forum.
For my first Incense perfume, I chose the Nokturne 'Moonstone' as the base note, because it is one of my favorite Vanilla Bean notes to blend with. This is a Vanilla Incense nose-gasm in a bottle and I am so proud for this to be the first of many many to come Incense perfumes for you!