Azure Ankh

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Nocturne Alchemy Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)

Eternal Life: this is the colour of Azure (Purple shade of Blue) and the beauty of the Ankh.

The word in Egyptian hieroglyph — pronounced sounded as 'ankh'. The ankh means life.

Enraptured times, full of gold, Egyptian sand, religion, life and death and all the scents flowing of the Nile. A peaceful scent. Egyptian Musk of the original Nokturne single note, ether of Egyptian Sandalwood and far east wind arising and exhaling from the Nile and slumbering into the subtle spice of Nokturne:Crimson (Egyptian Red Musk).

Azure Ankh is blended into a deeper scent by taking deep Red Musk and dark Black Musk, Red Amber and added aged Crimson (Egyptian Red Musk) and sifting them all together and slowly dropping them into the Ankh perfume until a natural division occurs. This is when the Alchemy of NA begins. Taking both blends as one, we stir by hand under the full moon of San Francisco until it becomes Azure Ankh. Full Moon Star date: April 6th, 2012.

Created to bring an evocative look at ones own life and introspect the powers that we have within and the powers we have yet to release. We are a part of the great Ankh.


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