King of Diamonds

King of Diamonds

0 x 1 2 3 4 5

Luvmilk House of Cards : The Kings General Catalog Bath Streusel (Available)

King of Diamonds:Crunchy granola, vanilla bean, plum, bourbon, and a hint of jasmine.
Bath Colour:Blue

The King of Diamonds knew he was meant to wear the crown from a very early age. With the weight of responsibility always looming over him, when it was finally placed upon his shoulders he found it a much harder task than he anticipated. Still, despite this, with the Queen of Diamonds at his side, there is nothing he cannot overcome — and having a nice bath to relax has always helped too.

*Milky's Note:The delicious granola comes in strong waves for me but the plum and bourbon are present too. It's like a grown up's bowl of oatmeal.


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