Love Potion Magickal Perfumery November All Phero Month : Women's Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
It's nice to be noticed...and to leave them wanting more! For those who adore feminine 'lady-like' scents, we've created a smoothly blended complex blend of fruits, florals, resins and woods with a hint of spice and a touch of leather to lend you a classic aura of sophistication. Perfect for the office, and any other occasion you want to project a vibe of inviting approachability. To help you turn heads and win hearts we've given this a boost of Popularity Potion, our pheromone mix for star quality and attractive allure.
Created By: Mara
Description By: Luna65
Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
BERRIES ~ Healing, money attraction, protection.
APRICOT ~ Love, love, love! Romance, passion, femininity.
BLACK FIG ~ Wisdom, fertility, love, luck, protection, aids restful sleep, divination. Feminine sexuality.
MANDARIN PEEL ~ Strong 'magnet' to attract men; eternal love, marriage, fruitfulness, thoughtfulness, happiness, tribute.
VANILLA ~ Aphrodisiac, inspires happiness, playfulness, sexual arousal, lust, vitalizing.
ORRIS ROOT ~ Attracts and helps inspire love. Protection, divination.
HELIOTROPE ~ Clairvoyance, healing, protection, wealth, exorcism, invisibility.
ROSE ~ Self confidence, strong aphrodisiac properties, attracts affection & love, fertility, divination/clairvoyance.
LOTUS ~ No man can refuse the woman who wears this; lovers reunited, protection. Symbolizes intellect, mental energies and illumination. Inspiration, clarity, purification.
LILY ~ Soothing and calming on the nerves. Sweetness, mental prowess, happiness.
WHITE JASMINE ~ Self confidence, anxiety reduction, prosperity; powerful love attractant, spiritual love.
FRANKINCENSE ~ Purification, Consecration, Protection, Exorcism.
MYRRH ~ Stimulating, soothing. Powerful guard against evil.
MUSK/LEATHER ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
EASTERN & ARABIAN SPICES ~ Good fortune, prosperity, lust, protection, fidelity, exorcism. Love, lust, virility, enhances perception of beauty; wards away evil. Wishes granted, healing, protection.
WILLOW ~ Ruled by the moon, powerfully feminine in energy. Healing, inspiration, fertility. A willow wand is a perfect wishing stick to help make dreams come true.
BIRCH ~ Symbolizes renewal and cleansing, birth, healing, Lunar energies, and protection.
SANDALWOOD ~ Love, exotic, sensual atmospheric; aphrodisiac. Healing, spirituality, exorcism