Love Potion Magickal Perfumery Private Edition : Citrus Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
From our *Favorite PE* Collection 2010:
She loved to sit beneath the ylang-ylang tree... there was a legend which stated if one sat beneath the tree long enough then true love would be revealed, as none could resist the scent of the Flower of Flowers. She often lounged for hours under the canopy of flowers which seemed to enfold her in their drooping velvety petals as she contemplated the movement of the sun across the sky or the way it set the sea beyond glittering as if thousands of diamonds lay upon its surface. She felt very much a bright jewel herself, waiting to be unearthed by the one who would treasure her as the rare discovery she was...
Created By: Adrienne
Description By: Luna65
Magickal Meanings of Ingredients:
YLANG YLANG ~ Strongly sensual, attraction, attention, irresistibility, soothes marital problems.
PINK & RUBY RED GRAPEFRUITS ~ Refreshes and uplifts the spirit, eases exhaustion, beauty and youth glamour.
WHITE & DARK AMBERS ~ Fertility, love, luck, riches.
WHITE MUSK ~ Self confidence and strength, sexual attractant, heightens passions and arousal.
POWDERED, CANE AND PINK SUGARS ~ Attracts love, luck, sweetness and riches. Lust inducing.
NOTE: While the citrus in this blend is quite well diluted, please be aware that citrus on bare skin under direct sunlight can burn and even bleach the skin. Take care, if you plan to wear citrus perfumes outside during the day, make sure that the areas on which you've applied it are covered by clothing.