Good Judy Mineral Bath Soaks : Chakras General Catalog Bath Salts (Available)
Symbolized by a lotus with twelve green petals, Anahata is located in the center of the chest and governs the heart, lungs, compassion, and love. Open : Unconditional love, compassion, unity, duality integration, faith Blocked : Heart problems, inability to love, emotional disturbance, poor circulation Mudra/Sound : While sitting cross-legged, let the tips of your index fingers and thumbs touch. Put your left hand on your left knee and your right hand in front of the lower part of your breast bone (just above the solar plexus or navel). Chant the sound YAM. The Mudra for the Heart Chakra is very powerful so chanting may not be necessary. Lavender grosso, spike lavender, jasmine oil, ylang ylang, palmarosa, attar of rose