Ajna — Third Eye Chakra

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Good Judy Mineral Bath Soaks : Chakras General Catalog Bath Salts (Available)

Symbolized by a lotus with two indigo petals, Ajna is located in the center of the forehead (between the brows) and governs cognition, intuition, awareness, visions, and dreams. The two physical eyes see the past and the present, while the third eye sees the future. Open : Intuition, insight, concentration, clarity, wisdom, vitality, bliss Blocked : Detachment, nightmares, cynical, distraction, headaches Mudra/Sound : Place hands before the lower part of your breast with middle fingers pointing forward and touching at the tops. The other fingers are bent and touch at the upper two phalanges. The thumbs point towards you and touch at the tops. Chant the sound OM or AUM. Rosemary, cedar, frankincense, opoponax, holy basil, citrus, cajeput


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