Firebird General Catalog Perfume Oil (Available)
A snuggly, sleepy blend of lavender and vanilla, with coconut milk, marshmallow, and sugared musk.
I used used four different varieties of lavender to create an accord with mellow floral notes and no harsh/bitter undertones. I've previously expressed strong feelings about lavender (see: the description for my Lavender Wood perfume) but they've evolved a bit since then. To be more specific, I had a baby- and the ubiquitous soft lavender scent of all those baby washes and powders and lotions is now permanently associated with fuzzy newborn baby heads, and wiggly fresh-from-the-bath toes, and squishy little cheeks, and heavy-lidded milk-drunk smiles.
So this is kind of the grown-up perfume version of that. A fluffy cloud of lavender cotton candy that dissolves into coconut milk and tendrils of cozy vanilla musk.