You and I, my love, we're mercurial in tandem. Miles apart, we go missing together, outlandishly missing with each whiskey sunset, to reappear like the dew, like the frost. Every so often I dream of spacecraft, of a nautilus in a jar, and every so often your face floats past the portholes, your breath icing the glass. We're instrumented like clockwork. We're fused like honeycomb. We're etched like steel, and when I move, I move you. You whisper down alleys, and you are the stone where I stumble. Still I sing bonny boys, and I am the static charge before the wind cuts through you. You have words for me. Send them to me. Send them to me on the dusk.
Maudlin & Bedlam is beautifully complex-dark, warm honey and herbals and wood frosted unsettlingly with weeping green leaves. It's one of my new favorites, with a rich, sexy drydown, and thoroughly appropriate for ladies and gents. A multitude of different scent elements and weeks (months!) of methodical alchemy make Maudlin & Bedlam no ordinary scented oil mix-it's a truly inimitable fragrance. It appears here as a solid perfume, made with pure beeswax from Honeyrun Farm (http://www.etsy.com/shop/honeyrunfarm).