Conjure Oils Kwaidan : The Story of Mimi Nashi Moichi General Catalog Perfume Oil (Limited)
From the time of his adventure, he was known only by the appellation of Mimi-nashi-Hoichi: "Hoichi-the-Earless." A blind man famed for his skill in recitation and in playing upon the biwa. It is said that when he sang even the goblins [kijin] could not refrain from tears.
The fading scent of a summer night thick with the tricks of demonic forces: Hoichi sits in silent meditation surrounded by the fragrance of an ancient moribund garden at the season's end. A spectral osmanthus blossom is carried crisply on the night air accompanied by the crumbling of Japanese maple leaves crunching under the ghostly samurai's foot as he draws near. The polished teak wood biwa rests silently next to Hoichi, reflecting the glow of the last firefly as the black inky musk of inscribed prayers is lifted heavenward propelled by fear and the body heat generated by Hoichi's trembling heart. The cold metallic tang of blood congealing on Hoicihi's head completes this ghostly portrait.