Madame Pompidou's Elixir Secret Pour Les Maladies Et Crises Du Coeur

Madame Pompidou's Elixir Secret Pour Les Maladies Et Crises Du Coeur

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Blooddrop The Possibly Not So Accurate Historical Liquids For An Assortment Of Dis-Eases General Catalog Perfume Oil (Available)

Passed on to me by my great, great grandmother whom I have never met, Madame Soupiron, this recipe was perfected by the grand Madame Pompidou* in 1762. Although believed by the world and French men to be only available to very high class French ladies, in fact all French women have been using this not so secret (to French women, that is) elixir for ages, even prior to the perfected formulation by Mme. Pompidou. This oil is used for any sort of woes of the heart or spirit such as results from tripping in public places, bouchers who sell you the wrong cut of meat, mail that is damaged by the mice in your courier box, any day that ends by being qualifiably described as en merdant, being jilted by a so-called friend or lover or simply getting a hole in one's stockings or breaking the laces in your corset.

Chocolate, mousse au chocolat, various friandises au chocolat and any singular or mix of cordials or liquers remaining in the cabinet in the pantry that you have not already finished off. This fabuleux cure-all will brush all your malaises and crises away!

*Not to be confused with Madame de Pompadour as well you know.


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