Black Phoenix Trading Post (BPTP) A Little Lunacy : Lunacy Poll Limited Edition Hair Gloss (Limited)
The Lunacy poll winner is TEATIME IN ROSWELL... Atmosphere Spray. But Teddy knows you love hair gloss, and Teddy loves you, so here’s some Hair Gloss as well!
Weather balloon? No.
An alien autopsy,
A cover story.
In July of 1947, the US Air Force recovered the crash debris of multiple alien spacecrafts from a ranch close to Roswell, NM. Several aliens survived, but many perished. Both the living and the dead extraterrestrials were transported, in secret, to Hangar 18 at the Wright-Patterson Air Force Base, along with the flying saucer wreckage. The US government performed a quick, efficient cover-up: witnesses were silenced, and a press release was issued the next day claiming that the fallen craft was a weather balloon.
Aliens at high tea: Earl Grey, biscuits, Battenberg cake, and strangely-glowing cucumber sandwiches.