My Little Themysciran Princess

My Little Themysciran Princess

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Black Phoenix Trading Post (BPTP) Fatherhood : 2017 Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)

As I was carrying Lilith around the San Diego comic con, people would stop us and ask to take a photo of her cosplaying Wonder Woman. As I set her down, a change would come over her: she would light up, engage the person, and charm the hell out of them while the photo was being taken. She would be so charismatic and charming, and then would then come back to me, this shining, happy little kid, and ask to be picked up all over again. I was so proud of her, and I love my lil Themysciran princess.

Rich, sweet, valiant amber, coconut milk, honeyed saffron,gleaming gold-gilded leather, and sweet olive blossom.


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