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Black Phoenix Trading Post (BPTP) Halloween Limited Edition Atmosphere, Linen & Room Spray (Limited)

An Irish Halloween tradition! This fruit bread is used as a method of divination: a medallion of the Virgin Mary, a sliver of rag, a pea, a coin, a stick, and a ring are baked into the pastry. On Halloween night, it is cut up and served to the household. If you received the stick, you would spend the next year in conflict...

if you received the medallion, you would be called to the priesthood...
if you received the rag, you would be plagued with misfortune...
if you received the ring, you would be married within the year...
if you received the pea, you would not marry within the year...

Each bottle of Barmbrack spray comes with a toy coin and a wish for your good fortune in 2010!


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