Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) American Gods General Catalog Perfume Oil (Available)
"It is only a gesture," he said, turning back to Shadow. "But gestures mean everything. The death of one dog symbolizes the death of all dogs. Nine men they gave to me, but they stood for all the men, all the blood, all the power. It just wasn't enough. One day, the blood stopped flowing. Belief without blood only takes us so far. The blood must flow."
"I saw you die," said Shadow.
"In the god business," said the figure-and now Shadow was certain it was Wednesday, nobody else had that rasp, that deep cynical joy in words, "it's not the death that matters. It's the opportunity for resurrection. And when the blood flows . . ."
Three days on the tree, three days in the underworld, three days to find your way back: ash, oak, and elm; vetiver, dragon's blood resin, and cypress; frankincense, copal, and chamomile.