My Tiger

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Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) Lilith's Birthday : 2019 Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)

In folklore, the tiger is a fearsome, ferocious enemy of evil spirits and evil men and protector of the virtuous. The tiger is courage incarnate, joyful power, and a symbol of justice and righteousness. Lilith is my little tiger: a protector and preserver. She is a truly compassionate person, and ever since she was born, she has been a defender of the vulnerable and the meek. She abhors bullying and cruelty, and always stands up for people who are being harassed and oppressed. I admire her moral courage, her devotion to duty, and her dedication to doing what is right no matter the consequences.

A scent of strength and serenity: golden amber and pale lavender, sweet red patchouli and sugar cane.


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