Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) Bards of Ireland Limited Edition Perfume Oil (Limited)
When thou art hidden fears throng into my heart:
I am as one who has found a treasure of gold
Whom the stars watch
And the winds threaten
And swords wait in the dark.
Or can the dream break, Curithir, into the cold dawn?
Do not even the angels tremble gazing on us?
For only within God's Dún such joy can live.
Come let us dream, love, that we sail to the west
And in enchanted islands are free of the sun
And the cold blind eyes of the years that pass unheeding sorrow.
O by the sweetness of love and joy like the piercing of spears
I have known the vain life that dies beaten back to the sod,
And the moan of all impotent things cries in my heart;
For that which can wither the budding trees can wither love.
O Curithir hast thou bidden the birds to sing of thee?
They have awoken me to the grey sweet skies
And the out-breathed light stealing over the stars.
There is no bird whose song is not of thy love
No laughter of sudden dawn winds whose joy thou art not –
O that the world could know thou lovest me, Curithir!
- Moireen Fox
An hour of love, all-too-fleeting, set against the tumble and crash of the somber seaside: honeysuckle, ivy, white moss, and salty spray.