Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) Bewitching Brews General Catalog Perfume Oil (Discontinued)
Enfin, nous avons, pour noyer
Le vertige clans le délire,
Nous, prêtre orgueilleux de la Lyre,
Dont la gloire est de déployer
L'ivresse des choses funèbres,
Bu sans soif et mangé sans faim!...
- Vite soufflons la lampe, afin
De nous cacher dans les ténèbres!
Finally, to cheat sadness, we
Have reveled at the board of Greed,
With neither thirst nor appetite -
We, of the old Pierian breed,
Whose pride was to win ecstasy
From sorrow, loneliness, and need.
- Hurry! Let us put out the light,
That we be hidden in the night.
The rapture of sorrowful things: frankincense, black plum, melancholy lilac, rose otto, and myrrh.