Kinda Sorta Snake Oil Cream Soda

Kinda Sorta Snake Oil Cream Soda

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Black Phoenix Alchemy Lab (BPAL) Halloween : 2018 Unreleased Perfume Oil (Limited)

We’re running out of room at the Lab, and it’s been a long, long time since we’ve had a trunk show. When Brian and I were rifling through the prototype and snafu shelves a few weeks ago, we dug up two busticated Snake Oils – one that was a mispour of Lemon Scented Sticky Bat, and another involved an Aggravated Vanilla Incident – and we unearthed the very first Samhain prototype from 2002.

We don’t have time to do a full-blown trunk show right now, so we’re offering these three for sale. They’re in very, very limited quantity


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